Runaway Animals

I mentioned missing llamas in a post a while back, but it seems some other wild creatures have been let loose on the world over the last few days. You’ve got to love this first one. A group of fifteen monkeys being used by a lab in Japan, escaped the other day from a high-security research center at Kyoto…

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A Brave New World of Wellies

Clearly, I need to get out more. I was in my local Super Valu today, and I noticed a high concentration of teenagers hanging around. It is not normally a teenage hang-out, it being a supermarket, so I wondered what had attracted them in. I also noticed that a lot of the girls were wearing wellies. Colourful, designery wellies,…

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La Saga des Wildenstern

The Wildenstern Saga is being published in France by Mango Jeunesse, translated by Patrick Imbert. They’ve just sent me the cover for ‘Ancient Appetites’, or ‘Voraces’, and I have to say, it’s pretty cool. I saw an earlier version last week and asked for a minor change to the back cover and they actually took that on board, which…

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DIY Nuclear Reactors

Honestly, the stuff people get up to. I was sent a link the other day to this piece featured on the BBC News site, about a guy named Mark Suppes, who has built a nuclear reactor in a warehouse in New York. That’s right . . . he’s built himself his own little nuclear reactor. And he’s not alone….

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A Creative Inkling

For anyone who’s interested, I’m running an online course on Writing for Children with Creative Writing Ink from the 19th of July. The course will cover the basics of storytelling and some specific aspects of writing for children and young adults – including: how to generate ideas; how to use observation; describing characters and setting; using dialogue and ensuring…

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How to Lose Trust and Alienate Customers

Anyone who knows me or follows this blog will know that I am all for using technology to improve our quality of life, and to make our increasingly complicated lives more manageable. But technology should be used for our benefit. I have a major problem with the way customers of all ages are being treated by the businesses we…

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Exposing Yourself Online

Much more of this and I’m going to start sounding like a conspiracy nut. All right, most people would have to admit that the school library fingerprinting kids was a bit creepy. And my piece on Google a while back was not wholly paranoid, given that they have flaunted copyright laws and it has taken numerous countries and one…

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Manga Newspapers

This is a Weird-Wide News post about a weird way of presenting the news. The Japanese read more newspapers than we do in the West, but like our kids, the Japanese kids are reading much less news than their parents. The response to this has been to launch newspapers in a Manga style. One of the points I make…

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Mental Examinations

Today, the exam silly season got started again. It’s exactly twenty years since I did my Leaving – twenty-two since my Inter (what they used to call the Junior Cert). People in the media are offering a lot of advice on how to handle the ordeal, trying to reassure everyone who’s heading into those exams. But with the best…

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