Satisfying French Appetites

It seems the French like Irish steampunk stories. The French edition of ‘Ancient Appetites’ – ‘Voraces’ – is up for a second award. This one is the Prix Imaginales 2011.
The prize was created in 2002 and is the first French prize exclusively devoted to fantasy writing. ‘Voraces’ is in the ‘jeunesse’ category. Here’s the shortlist for the category:

  • Fabien CLAVEL.- L’Apprentie de Merlin (Mango)
  • Alexis FLAMANT.- Le T’Sank, Le Cycle d’Alamänder, 1 (Editions de l’Homme sans nom)
  • Cornelia FUNKE.- Reckless (Gallimard Jeunesse), traduction : Marie-Claude Auger
  • Johan HELIOT.- Les Flibustiers du vent, Le Tempestaire, 2 (Baam)
  • Oisin McGANN.- Voraces (Mango), traduction : Patrick Imbert

The results will be announced during Les Imaginales convention in Epinal, on the 28th of May.