To Baldly Go . . .

So we did it. Actually, the ten barbers led by John McGuire did it, the rest of us just sat in the chairs and stayed still long enough for them to lay our heads bare. The Ray D’Arcy Show’s attempt at breaking the record for the number of heads ten barbers could shave in an hour, was an odd…

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I Want to Be Shaved

I’ve volunteered to have my head shaved as part of the World Record attempt taking place on the Ray D’Arcy Show, on Today FM. It’s for their Shave or Dye campaign, in aid of the Irish Cancer Society. Basically, they’re going to line up ten clipper-happy barbers and run a conveyor belt of heads under their blades, in an…

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Out Cold

We’ve just come out of the cold snap, but I’ve heard reports on the radio that we could be heading right into another one this week. Some would say the weather we’ve just had is the the last thing we needed after all the crap that’s happened to our economy over the last year, and the crap that’s still…

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